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February 18th. A one night retreat.

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Join JIVANA for an 8 hour - one night retreat.

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It’s said that Lord Shiva burns through the veil of illusion

called maya

when he opens his third eye on this new moon.

- Anandashree Astrology

On this special night of spiritual upleveling, serious spiritual aspirants are invited to immerse in the mysteries of Shiva at the private residence of tantric teacher, host and entertainer for the evening, Jivana (and special guests).

The night will run from 9pm to a little after 5am (sunrise). Our goal will be to stay awake with the spine straight to align with the astronomical phase of our planet. It is considered a night of tremendous spiritual opportunity.

The night will be filled with 8+ hours of good ol' spiritual FUN!

  • What to expect?:



*Wisdom teachings*

*Asana (yoga postures)*



*Movement and sitting meditations*

*Non-altering concotions* (we want to stay alert and clear)



*First-light (Dawn) Prasad (spiritualized food)*

*Special guests*

All of this to celebrate THE DIVINE and our inherited potential to fully realize ourselves as part of.

It will be a celebration but should not be viewed as "just a party". This offer is presented with the specific intention to attract only the curious who wish to expand their spiritual longing and discernment and those who have reached a place on their path where they wish to ardently strive toward the goal of tantra-yoga, liberation.

Upon RSVP, you will be added to a special WhatsApp group that keep you up to date with information surrounding this annual important night. The WhatsApp group will also keep you informed about the preparations that should be strived for prior to the event on the 18th. Only on Signal? Your preparations will be direct messaged to you.

To RSVP, direct message JIVANA at +506.8621.2496 (WhatsApp or Signal)

When: Feb 18th 2023

What: Honoring the night and promise of full spiritual potential in this lifetime

Where: Delicias, exact location given at time of RSVP

How much: Suggested donation/contribution is $40 but no serious spiritual aspirant who reserves early will be turned away. Contributions help offset the cost of acquiring food and beverage for prasad and time of the collaborators. One half of the contribution will be donated to a Green Wave nonprofit project.

Ask about early offers, local discounts, collaborations, and trades.

How many: First come, first serve. No more than 18 will be admitted into this event.

What Time? This is a 9 to 5 event! 9PM that is ;) You will be able to come as early as 8:15. Celebrations and lessons will run till 5am when you are welcome to enjoy prasad. The final sun salutations will be optional and take place upon the rising sun (after 5am).

MORE QUESTIONS?! Text Jivana at +506.8621.2496 - remember more information will follow the RSVP.

Worried about staying up all night??

We will have teachings and activities 1-2x an hour. There will always be music on and we will be motiviated to move frequently. If you must take a nap, suggestions will be made of how to do it while keeping the spine straight ;)

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Shivatratri is every month! The night before the new moon, Amavesya. This particular one is considered the Maha - the ultimate - Shivaratri of the year. Read more about Shivaratri by Sadguru, here.

Can't make it? Enjoy the festivities with an online broadcast from India at Sadguru's asharam (a huge event) or stay up on your own with these activity suggestions.

  • Fasting
  • Chanting
    • Ganesha
    • Shiva
  • Stargazing
  • Dancing
  • Breathwork
  • Asana