Saturday July 20th, 2024
2-5PM - JIVANA SHALA at Green Wave House
or other Rancho Delicioso Location weather dependent
DM 8621-2496 for RSVP and location pin
Celebrating Guru Purnima
Think of this as a little half-day retreat or a workshop in advance of Guru Purnima (the next day) to assist in one's own exploratory observance and celebration. Although all teachers are encouraged to be celebrated, we will collectively explore the invitation to honor Goddess as Guru. The day will commence with ritual, satsang, readings and a little chanting followed by movement, breath, meditation, and contemplation practices. We will explore how to form sankalpas, create a guru mandala, develop personal sadhana, and then enjoy prasad during integration circle.
What is Guru Purnima?
It is an auspicious full moon (purnima) that celebrates the Guru principle and teachers from all times and dimensions.
Suggested pre-preparations for Guru Purnima 2024:
** Start thinking about your influential teachers of all Nations (Human, plant, animal, other worldly). You will want to "bring them in" (to mind) for this mini-retreat.
** June 30th and July 1st you are invited to fast either or both days of June 30th and July 1st for Ekadashi
** July 16th-17th you are invited to start thinking about or set an intention for this next moon cycle or the year cycle starting at Guru Purnima till the one in 2025.
** For Fasting, review this article:
In service to The Goddess. May all beings benefit.
Suggested donation 10-20 mil
No one with an earnest and devoted heart will be turned away due to inability to financially contribute
Suggested post Guru Purnima observance (Ekadashi):
July 30th and 31st you are invited to fast either or both days.